
Hey there! Are you ready to take your salsa or Rueda de Casino skills to the next level? If so, the advanced group might be the perfect fit for you! In these classes, you’ll have the chance to develop your own style, try out new and challenging figures, and build on the skills and knowledge you’ve gained in beginner, improver, and intermediate classes. We’ll be introducing even more advanced steps, patterns, and figures, so you can continue to improve and evolve as a dancer. These classes are ideal for individuals who have completed beginner, improver, and intermediate classes, or who have a very good understanding of salsa or Rueda dancing and want to keep improving their technique. Our goal is to help you become a proficient salsa or Rueda dancer and keep on growing as a dancer. If you’re ready to join us, we recommend having a good understanding of the figures in the intermediate list before joining the advanced group. So, what do you say? Are you ready to take the next step with us?

Feel free to join the Whatsapp group to connect with potential dance partners and stay updated with all the latest news and updates.

Bitte beachten Sie: Die Unterrichtssprache für unsere Salsa-Kurse ist Englisch.
Please be informed: The language of instruction for our Salsa classes is English.

Course details

Schedule (location and time)

Registration is possible only with invitation, please contact Auro

Subscription fee:


We highly encourage participants to sign up for at least one month of classes to fully benefit from the learning experience. However, we understand that some individuals may have special circumstances, and in such cases, we offer the option to pay per class. The cost for a single lesson is 20 Euro. We want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to join our classes and experience the joy of salsa dancing and Rueda de Casino!


Step 1: Please discuss with Auro about the registration process.

Step 2: Transfer the registration fee to the bank account.

Recipient: Rueda Club UG
IBAN: DE05 1101 0101 5574 9884 91
Ref. message: ADV, Reg. RCM0_____, Jan-Dec, one year, Name
(course code, reg. number, subscription months, duration, full name )

Step 3: Email the snapshot of the registration fee transfer to [email protected]