Cuban Salsa-II

Step up your dancing game with our Cuban Salsa Partner Work course, designed for individuals with a solid foundation in salsa and a passion for exploring advanced figures. In these classes, we’ll introduce intricate steps, patterns, and figures, building on the skills you’ve acquired in beginner, improver, and intermediate levels. If you’re seeking to enhance your technique with challenging material, this course is the perfect fit. Our ultimate objective is to equip you with essential skills, elevating your proficiency in salsa partner work and taking your dancing to new heights! Let’s embark on this exciting journey together and keep evolving as dancers.

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Bitte beachten Sie: Die Unterrichtssprache für unsere Salsa-Kurse ist Englisch.
Please be informed: The language of instruction for our Salsa classes is English.

Course Details

Schedule (location and time)

Subscription fee:

Salsa partner work -IISPW240€75€120€200€

We highly encourage participants to sign up for at least one month of classes to fully benefit from the learning experience. However, we understand that some individuals may have special circumstances, and in such cases, we offer the option to pay per class. The cost for a single lesson is 15 Euro. We want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to join our classes and experience the joy of salsa dancing and Rueda de Casino!


Step 1: Fill out the form with all necessary details. (Register Now)

Step 2: Transfer the registration fee to the following account:

Recipient: Rueda Club UG
IBAN: DE36 1001 8000 0740 4143 69
Reference message: SPW2, Reg. RCM0_____, Jan-June, 6 months, Name
(Include the course code, registration number, subscription months, duration, and your full name in the reference message)

Note: Both early bird and regular registration fee are non-refundable.

Step 3: Email the snapshot of the registration fee transfer to [email protected]